Thestudents will choose the meaning of their own visit. Using cards of different colors, they will answer the questions that the educator will pose to them in order to visualize some artwork or another. Throughout the activity, artworks will be used as a resource to understand the historical moment of the modern era. How was life at this moment? What was the political and social structure? Paying atention to events such as “La guerra dels segadors” or the Succession war, the social and political structure of the time, the organization of society as well as the main characteristics of Baroque art. An activity that puts students at the center of their learning process and makes them protagonists and responsible for their own learning.

Plaça de Sant Ignasi 14-16, 08241 Manresa — Barcelona

+34 938 741 155

El Museu del Barroc de Catalunya està englobat dins l’espai del Museu de Manresa. Accedeix a la seva web des d’aquí:


Per si t'ho has perdut

El Museu del Barroc de Catalunya està englobat dins l’espai del Museu de Manresa. Accedeix a la seva web des d’aquí:


Per si t'ho has perdut

Plaça de Sant Ignasi 14-16
08241 Manresa — Barcelona

+34 938 741 155

Plaça de Sant Ignasi 14-16, 08241 Manresa — Barcelona

+34 938 741 155

The Museu del Barroc de Catalunya is part of the Museu de Manresa. Accedeix a la seva web des d’aquí:


In case you missed it

The Museu del Barroc de Catalunya is part of the Museu de Manresa. Accedeix a la seva web des d’aquí:


In case you missed it

Plaça de Sant Ignasi 14-1608241 Manresa — Barcelona

+34 938 741 155