Social craft

Proposing Primary Education as a space for psychomotor experiences, where students develop elements to be able to face the world and its languages and ways of reading it, the “Social Craft” activity proposes a visit energized in a performance key where the students, based on the experience, create a journey that starts at the Manresa Museum and ends at the Pont Vell de Manresa. During the itinerary, several actions and stops inspired by Joseph Beuys will be carried out that involve collaboration, thinking and doing together, raising materials that we do not understand as artistic in order to work with them from an artistic perspective and when thinking about the forms of organization of animals such as bees, with whom Beuys felt a deep interest in their ways of learning and organizing themselves.

More information and reservations:
+34 93 874 11 55

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Plaça de Sant Ignasi 14-16, 08241 Manresa — Barcelona

+34 938 741 155

El Museu del Barroc de Catalunya està englobat dins l’espai del Museu de Manresa. Accedeix a la seva web des d’aquí:


Per si t'ho has perdut

El Museu del Barroc de Catalunya està englobat dins l’espai del Museu de Manresa. Accedeix a la seva web des d’aquí:


Per si t'ho has perdut

Plaça de Sant Ignasi 14-16
08241 Manresa — Barcelona

+34 938 741 155

Plaça de Sant Ignasi 14-16, 08241 Manresa — Barcelona

+34 938 741 155

The Museu del Barroc de Catalunya is part of the Museu de Manresa. Accedeix a la seva web des d’aquí:


In case you missed it

The Museu del Barroc de Catalunya is part of the Museu de Manresa. Accedeix a la seva web des d’aquí:


In case you missed it

Plaça de Sant Ignasi 14-1608241 Manresa — Barcelona

+34 938 741 155